15 Tips to Improve Windows Performance on PC

5 Simple Ways to Improve Windows Performance

Windows is one of the most popular Operating Systems in the World. Slow booting OS is one of the most discussed problems we often see in terms of performance. Here are a few tips to improve your PC Windows performance.

How to Improve PC Windows Performanceย 

Windows is the most popular operating system, but it can slow down sometimes, just like any other. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to make it work better and make sure the user experience is smooth. This guide will show you a number of ways to speed up Windows 11, which will make your PC run faster and respond more quickly.

1. Keep Windows Updated

Making sure your system is up-to-date is one of the easiest and best ways to get more out of Windows. Here are the steps you need to take:

  • Select “Settings.”
  • Pick up Windows Update.
  • Press “Check for updates.”

Get and install any changes that are available. After that, turn your machine back on. Restarting your PC can fix short-term problems that are slowing it down. Remember that this is only a short-term fix and that more improvements need to be made.

2. Disable Startup Programs

By getting rid of unnecessary startup apps, Windows can run much faster. Turn off Cortana, get rid of packages and apps like OneDrive that you don’t need, and stop monitoring services that use system resources.

Stopping and starting up programs and apps is another way to make Windows run faster. How to do it:

  • You can press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager, or you can right-click the desktop and choose “Task Manager.”
  • You can see more choices when you click on “More details.”
  • You can see the apps that run when the computer starts up by going to the Startup tab.
  • To stop a program from starting up with Windows, right-click on it and choose “Disable.”

Some apps, like Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, and Skype, can use a lot of resources when they first start up. Follow these steps to take care of these apps:

  • Press the “Start” button.
  • To get to Settings, press Windows + I.
  • Pick Apps and click on Start-Up.
  • Turn off the apps that you don’t want to start up with the computer.

As you load more programs, don’t forget to check your startup programs list every so often to see if any new ones have been added.

3. Disk Clean up

Probably many of you have a problem with the lack of disk space. Of course, the best advice is to buy larger drives, but let’s assume now that we don’t have a budget and want to reclaim some space quickly.

Type in the start menu “add or remove programs” and run the pop-up settings window. We sort files according to the disks we specify and the space they occupy. In this way, we can delete, for example, games and programs that we no longer use.

It is also worth removing temporary files, to do this, go to settings, then system, and the memory tab. Now we mark the options we are interested in and we are happy with the reclaimed space.

In order to properly clean the system of temporary files, it is worth downloading a special application such as CC Cleaner. Thanks to it, we will certainly get rid of unnecessary files.

4. Delete Unwanted Data

Files on your hard drive can become broken over time, which can slow it down. To fix this, do these things:

  • If you want to defragment and optimize your drives, tap on the Windows button.
  • Pick out the drive you want to clean up.
  • To start the process, click on Optimize.

It’s important to know that defragmenting an SSD is not a good idea because it can shorten the SSD’s life.

5. Increase RAM and SSD

Adding more RAM to your computer can make it run much faster. If your PC has a regular hard drive, you might want to switch to a Solid-State Drive (SSD) to get a huge speed boost. Increasing RAM can easily enhance the speed of your Windows while using the SSD can definitely boost your booting speed.

6. Restrict Background Apps

There is a tool in Windows 11 that restarts some background apps when you sign in. If you want to speed up an older computer, turn this function off:

  • To get to the Accounts area, open Settings.
  • Choose how to sign in.
  • Turn off the switch that says “Save my restartable apps automatically and restart them when I sign back in.”

In order to improve the operation of Windows, it is worth taking a look at the programs running in the background. To do this, we need to press ctrl + alt + Delete, turn on the task manager, and view more details.

Now go to the Processes tab. Here we can check which application consumes the most CPU and RAM resources. It should be noted that, unfortunately, Google Chrome and Firefox use a ton of memory and there’s nothing you can do about it.

However, we can minimize consumption by turning off applications running in the background that we are not using at the moment, for example, running game libraries such as Steam, Gog, or Epic Games Launcher.

7. Uninstall Software

Getting rid of useless files and “bloatware” can make Windows 11 run faster and free up resources:

  • Open up Settings.
  • Go to Features and Apps.
  • Select the three-dot menu and choose “Uninstall” to get rid of the apps you don’t want.

8. Get Rid of Temporary Files

The built-in Disk Cleanup app can also be used to get rid of temporary files quickly. It’s important to get rid of temporary files in Windows 11 to make it run faster:

  • You can use the button Windows+R or press Windows+X and choose Run.
  • Type “%temp%” and press “OK.”
  • Pick out all of the leftover files and delete them.

9. Turn off Visual Effects and Animations

Some graphics and visual effects can run more slowly if they are turned off:

  • To get to Personalization, open Settings.
  • Under “Colors,” turn off the switch for “Transparency effects.”
  • To make the site more accessible, turn off “Animation effects” and “Transparency effects.”
  • Click “View advanced system settings” and pick “Adjust for best performance.”

10. Turn off Tips and Notifications

To make sure that alerts and suggestions don’t slow down your PC:

  • Set things up.
  • Click on Notifications.
  • Both options that say “Offer suggestions on how I can set up my device” should be turned off.

11. Turn off VBS (For Gamers)

Virtualization-based security (VBS) can be turned off for users who want to get the most out of their computer:

  • Press the Windows key and look for “Core Isolation.”
  • Turn off the VBS switch and restart your computer.

12. Turn off game mode

To make your Windows 11 PC run faster, turn off Game Mode if you’re not a gamer:

  • Click on Settings and then “Game”
  • Turn off the switch for “Game Mode.”
  • Turn off the Xbox Game Bar and Captures in both of the options.

13. Use Windows Defender

Windows Security, which is sometimes called Windows Defender, is a good built-in security program that should be enough for most people. Don’t put in protection software from a third party because it can slow down your PC.

Follow these steps every so often to check for viruses:

  • Open Settings from the Start menu.
  • For Windows Security, go to Privacy & Security and click on it.
  • Go to Virus & Threat Protection and look for changes. Then, do a quick scan.

When you do these things, your experience with Windows 11 will be much better, and your PC will run smoothly.

14. Updating Drivers

Time for the obvious. When your computer slows down or starts to behave strangely, it’s a sign that you should check for new drivers. Frequent checking for driver updates and Bios versions is very important, especially since sometimes graphics card updates can significantly improve hardware performance in specific titles, sometimes even by 50%.

15. Component Temperatures

The last thing worth discussing is checking your hardware performance. If they are too high, it means that it is worth cleaning the computer (preferably gently, with compressed air, so as not to damage anything), because the dust itself on the fans can impede air circulation. It is also worth replacing the cooling paste on the processor from time to time.

Also Read: 7 Tips to Improve OLD Computer

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