6 Upcoming PlayStation VR Games in 2021 | Upcoming PSVR Games

6 Upcoming PlayStation VR Games in 2021

Upcoming PlayStation Virtual Reality Games in 2021, PSVRย 

SonyPlaystation has just published a list of 6 upcoming PSVR Games of 2021, coming soon to its first virtual reality headset. These games, which are expected to run through the year 2021, prove that the first PlayStation VR will still be in power for the rest of the year.

The PlayStation VR 2 is coming to PS5, but that doesn’t mean the end of Sony’s first VR headset. Even if this headset for the next-gen on PS5 is endowed with all the powers, it is certainly not in 2021 that he will be able to use them.


Upcoming Sony Playstation VR Games, PSVR Games in 2021

Here are the 6 upcoming PSVR games of 2021 that will be released soon on PlayStation VR 2, and PS5.


1. Doom 3 VR Edition: March 29, 2021

Developed by id Software and published by Activision, Doom 3 is a horror game. The player embodies an isolated soldier in a hostile world from which he must make his way. Its VR-adapted version is therefore the first game announced on the list unveiled by Sony. Expected for March 29, Doom 3 VR will be available with two of its expansions, including Resurrection of Evil and The Lost Missions.


2. Song in the Smoke: Soon in 2021

The second game to come to PSVR, Song in the Smoke is a game developed by 17-Bit. The studio authoring games such as Skulls of the Shogun or Galak-Z. If you like prehistory, you will definitely love Song in the Smoke.

This game transports the player to a wild prehistoric universe where they must be creative in order to survive. In a virtual forest, he must in particular know how to hunt, make tools, medicines, clothes, etc.


3. Fracked: In Summer 2021

It’s the heat in the middle of summer. But you can get cold with Fracked. It is a game that takes place entirely in winter and under the snow. Very interesting, it mixes ski chases and shootings. The player, isolated on a high mountain, must defend the planet against a horde of enemies.


4. I Expect You to Die 2: The Spy and the Liar, Coming Soon 2021

Are you a fan of crime series and want to become a secret agent or spy? Now is the time to practice. I Expect You to Die 2: The Spy and the Liar follow Shell Games I Expect You To Die released in 2017.

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In this soon-to-be-released opus, you still play as the virtual spy who survived by force of circumstances the final mission of the first opus. Here you must infiltrate and dismantle the Zoraxis criminal organization which seeks to dominate the world.


5. Zenith: The Last City, Summer 2021

It is a role-playing game developed by the Ramen VR studio. Zenith: The Last City immerses the player in an open universe that he can explore at will, on the ground, or in the air. For this purpose, the player can use gliders. Zenith: The Last City, comes fifth in the list of upcoming PSVR games.


6. After the Fall: Summer 2021

A zombie, adventure, and first-person shooter game, After the Fall was developed by Vertigo Games, author of Arizona Sunshine. It takes place entirely in winter and in the snow, enough to refresh your summer 2021. The game offers cooperative gameplay of 4 players.

After the Fall, you are immersed in the Los Angeles of the 1980s. In a post-apocalyptic world, you are called upon to challenge zombies whose characters have been hardened by the cold.

Also Read: Best Virtual Reality VR Glasses in 2021

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