Top 23 Biggest Lost Treasures That Were Never Found

Top 24 Biggest Lost Treasures That Were Never Found

We’ve always been interested in lost treasures in the world of stories and history. It’s impossible to deny the appeal of finding hidden treasures, secrets, and puzzles that have been lost for hundreds of years.

Biggest Lost Treasures in the World

From sinking ships to secret caches, stories about lost wealth have always interested people. This article will take you on a trip through the most famous lost treasures that were never found, their amazing stories, and the never-ending searches to find them.

1. The Ark of the Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant is a mysterious object described in the Bible. It is thought to be a chest made of acacia wood with a gold lid that represents God’s presence with the Israelites.

The metal pot inside had “heavenly manna,” Aaron’s rod, and two plates with God’s rules written on them. The Israelites brought the Ark to the Promised Land, and it had magical powers.

But it is thought to have been lost when Babylonia took over Jerusalem in 587 BC or earlier, and the Ark of the Covenant has never been found because the Israelites never made another one.

2. The Holy Grail

In Christianity, the Holy Grail is a very important treasure. It is said to be the cup that Jesus used at the Last Supper and that Joseph of Arimathea used to collect Jesus’ blood.

People think that the Grail has magical powers that can heal and make people live forever.  No one knows for sure if the Holy Grail exists or where it is, but many places around the world have been linked to it. Some people think that the Knights Templar may have put it somewhere.

3. The Treasure of the Knights Templar

The Knights Templar, a holy military order that began in 1119, became very powerful and wealthy over time. In 1307, King Philip IV of France caught some powerful knights and broke open their treasury, but it was empty.

People have been curious about the Templar treasure and where it is for hundreds of years, and it is still one of the biggest secrets.

4. Dead Sea Copper Scrolls Treasure

There are 64 places on the Copper Scroll where large amounts of gold and silver are said to be hidden. However, the places are written so that the reader can figure them out without clear directions. This is why the mystery of these treasures has not been solved yet.

The scroll is thought to have been made in the last century B.C. Some historians think that the Romans may have found some of the treasures when they invaded the area, but it’s likely that other places were never found.

5. Lost Incas Gold

The lost city of Paititi is linked to the Incas. When the Europeans came to South America to take it over, the Incas were desperate and hid their treasure from them.

People think that the golden city is in the jungles of Peru, but its presence is still being discussed and looked into. Often, it is linked to the story of El Dorado.

6. King John Jewelry

A lot of jewelry and gold plates were owned by King John of England from 1166 to 1216. In 1216, King John got dysentery while going through the Swamp area in Norfolk, England.

He chose to go back to Newark Castle to get better. His prize carriage, which was full of crowns, jewelry, and other valuable things, was lost and never found.

It’s still not clear what happened to King John’s wealth, which is thought to be one of the biggest royal treasures ever. Some think it was lost in the high tides or stolen by his own family.

7. Romanovs Easter Eggs

The famous Faberge Eggs were made by a Russian designer named Peter Carl Faberge for the Russian royal family. In 1885, Tsar Alexander III bought an Easter egg with decorations from Faberge’s studio as a gift for his wife, Empress Maria Feodorovna. This was the start of the custom.

Each egg was a work of art and had a treat inside. The tradition continued with Tsar Nicholas II, who asked for 44 eggs. Other rich Russian families also had some eggs made for them. Eight of the royal Faberge Eggs are stolen, and no one knows where they are. Each one could be worth a million dollars.

8. The Amber Room

The Amber Room was a beautiful piece of art that was made for Tsar Peter the Great by Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia in 1716. It was made of amber and gold, and there were many layers of intricate patterns and surprises inside.

The Amber Room mysteriously vanished during World War II, and no one knows where it came from. Thoughts vary on whether it was lost or stolen after the bombs of Kรถnigsberg in 1944.

9. The Tsars of Moscow’s Library

It is thought that the library of the Moscow Tsars, which was also called Ivan the Terrible’s library, had a lot of old books, including great works of Greek and Roman literature.

Ivan the Terrible added rare European books to the library to make it better. Important books like “De Re Publica” by Cicero and “History of Rome” by Titus Livius were in the library.

After Ivan the Terrible died in 1584, no one knew if the library still existed or where it was. Finding it would have a huge effect on history.

10. Lost Dutchman Mine

The Lost Dutchman Mine is said to be a gold mine in the Superstition Mountains, which are close to Phoenix, Arizona.

A Mexican family is said to have found it in the early 1800s, and Jacob Walzer was the last person said to have seen it in the late 1800s.

Many people who tried to find the treasure are said to have never come back, which is why some people think the area and the treasure are cursed.

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11. Genghis Khan’s tomb

It’s still not clear how Genghis Khan died in 1227. The reason he died during a battle is not known. It was Genghis Khan’s wish to be buried in a grave that was not marked in Mongolia’s Burkhan Khaldun Mountains. His body was taken there, and because he asked, the spot was not marked in any way.

There are many stories and legends about his grave, such as how soldiers were killed to protect the site, horses were let loose to hide human activity, and the flow of a nearby river was changed.

His tomb has been looked at for hundreds of years, but no sign of it has been found. This makes it one of the most important lost riches of all time.

12. The wealth of the Ursulines

In 1790, a Ursuline convent in the French city of Le Mans was going to be turned into a jail. Before being kicked out of the convent, the nuns gave the local military a huge amount of money to keep safe.

Over many years, the monastery had accumulated a huge amount of wealth. Five big chests were hidden underground and filled with gold and silver.

The treasure has never been found, even though it is listed in the monastery’s records. A 250-meter-long tunnel is hidden by a garden that now grows on the spot. It’s still a secret what the Ursuline treasure is.

13. Klaus Stortebeker Treasure

Klaus Stortebeker was a pirate from North Germany. His ship, the “Red Devil,” made him famous by causing fear in coastal towns. Stortebeker and his team took a lot of gold and other valuables, but most of it went missing.

After Stortebeker was caught in 1401, gold that had been hidden in the masts of the “Red Devil” was found. A lot of his treasure has never been found, but some people think it might be hidden on Rugen Island, maybe in a cave near the chalk rocks in Jasmund National Park.

The wealth is thought to be hidden on a 200-square-kilometer plateau below the 118-meter King chair, but it has not been found yet.

14. The Nazis’ Lost Gold

People think that Toplitzsee, a beautiful lake in Austria’s Salzkammergut, hides a prize from the time of the National Socialists.

A lot of people, even mini-submarines, have tried to find the wealth. Gold has not been found in the lake yet, but many war artifacts, British fake money, and even an unknown worm have.

People have died while treasure digging in Toplitzsee, which is why diving was made illegal in 1983. American experts have been looking into Toplitzsee since 2000, but the prize is still hidden.

15. The Gold Beach Ralph David Lasseter

Harold Lasseter went to Australia in 1897 to look for opals, but he didn’t find many. He was riding three horses from Alice Springs to Sydney Harbor when he found a group of rocks that contained gold.

However, he didn’t go back to the spot again for a few years and sketched, photographed, and took samples. It’s sad that Lasseter died of thirst in the desert. His body was found with his notes and samples nearby.

The gold reef, which was supposed to be very rich, has still not been found. People have different ideas about whether or not it exists, and some think Lasseter is a con artist.

16. The Ohlstadt Treasure

It was said that the Knight of Weichs, who lived in a castle near Ohlstadt near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, owned a gold mine in the home garden mountain.

After successfully protecting his castle from an attack by Augsburg, he chose to take 15 mules with his wealth to a place where it was thought to be hidden, which was thought to be the gold mine.

Later, rocks were put in place to cover the entry, and a “V” shape was cut out of Weichs in the rocks around it to serve as a guide.

When the knight died in Italy, his wealth was thought to be lost. Ever since then, people have hunted for it. People have found rocks with a “V” or the Roman number “V” on them.

On the Kaser Alm in the 1950s, two gold coins from the 12th or 13th century were also found. But the prize itself is still hidden.

17. Coco Island

People think that Isla del Coco, which is also called Cocos Island, is one of the most famous prize islands in the world because it has ties to pirate stories.

In the late 1600s, the infamous pirate Edward Davis is thought to have buried a huge treasure on the island.  In the same way, the island is said to still hide the pirate Benito Bonito’s wealth, which was buried there in 1819. People also think that the 1821 Hidden Treasure of Lima Church is hidden here.

A lot of people who are looking for treasure have gone to Cocos Island to find this legendary wealth. Some things, like doubloons, single jewels, bodies, and maps, were found, but most of the loot, which is thought to be worth over $100 million, is still missing.

18. The Nibelungs’ Treasure

The Nibelungs’ treasure is one of Germany’s most famous lost gems, and it has a lot to do with the Nibelung saga. Many trucks full of gold and other valuables are thought to have sunk in the Rhine in the fifth century.

One of the valuables that was lost was Hagen’s treasure. Hagen was the killer of the famous hero Siegfried. The wealth was supposed to be taken somewhere safe, but it was never taken out of its hiding place.

The Nibelung song gives hints about where it is, which makes me think that the wealth may still be hidden in the Rhine.

19. Oak Island’s Lost Treasures

A small island called Oak Island lies off the east coast of Canada in Mahoney Bay. It is famous for its enchanted wealth and the curse that has followed many people who have tried to find out what it is.

The story starts in 1795 when a woodcutter found rope bits and a man-made hole on an island.ย  Because of this find, several digs were made that went down to depths of about 60 meters.

The treasure, on the other hand, stayed elusive; only pieces of building materials, strange writing, and a goatskin were found.

Over the years, many trips and efforts have been made to find the supposedly hidden treasure. Some of these were led by famous people, such as President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Unfortunately, these projects often fail and cost people their lives or their money.

Legend has it that seven lives must be sacrificed before the wealth can be found, and six treasure hunters died while trying to find it.

20. English Crown Jewels

In 1216, King John was running away from his enemies when he lost the Crown gems of England and other gems in the muddy water of a body of water called the Wash. It’s thought that this event took place in the River Nene, and it’s not clear if the jewels will ever be found.

21. The Tomb of Cleopatra

Cleopatra’s tomb is where she will be buried after her death. She was the last queen of Ptolemaic Egypt. Many searches have been made for her tomb over the years, but it has not been found yet. People think that Cleopatra’s tomb is in Egypt, close to the city of Alexandria.

22. Qin Shi Huang’s Tomb

The first ruler of China was buried in the Tomb of Qin Shi Huang. It’s been kept secret from everyone for more than 2,000 years and is a very important historical site. The tomb is in Xi’an’s Lintong District, which is in Shaanxi Province, China.

23. The Golden Eagle

Max Valentin buried the Golden Owl in France in 1993, but it wasn’t really lost. There were 11 puzzles to solve to find its location. There is a big reward for finding the owl.

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