Dead by Daylight Chapter 24 Introduces New Killer

Dead by Daylight Chapter 24 Introduces New Killer

Dead by Daylight Chapter 24, Plot and New Killer

Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer game that features terrifying scenarios. In the next chapter 24 of DBD Dead by Daylight, the developer, Behavior Interactive, intends to give players new experiences, Story and Killer. Moreover, he has recently published a trailer of this chapter which is entitled “Roots of Dread”. As for the game, it should be released on June 7th, 2022.


Dead by Daylight Chapter 24 Monster

The chapter entitled Roots of Dread will be released soon, but the wait is long. Indeed, the new trailer has made Dead by Daylight fans even more excited. In this new chapter, Behavior Interactive will unveil a new realm to the general public. This will be marked in particular by the appearance of a new enemy who will sow terror in a nightmarish theme. So beware, because the nights are likely to be restless because of this horror game.

The video game depicts a priori normal suburbs. However, this tranquility hides a monster: the Dredge. Because of him, the furniture in the houses sticks to the walls. It is within this framework that a horror literally taken out of a nightmare hunts the survivors.

This is the subtlety of this new chapter of Dead by Daylight. At first glance, the city seems perfectly normal. However, the inhabitants are plagued by negative thoughts and heavy secrets that have resurfaced. Torments then give birth to the Dredge. This is a new killer who comes to life from the bad dreams of the townspeople.

This monster has two powers, the first is “Gloaming”. It’s an ability that allows him to teleport to and from lockers anywhere on the map. The second is called “Nightfall” and allows the Dredge to blur the survivor’s vision. The latter therefore has difficulty in distinguishing objects from a certain distance. Despite this, survivors can somehow see the monster.


A new heroine to fight the Dredge

If Behavior Interactive has created a new killer, it has also designed a new survivor. Correction, it’s about a survivor named Haddie Kaur. She was born in northern India but grew up in Canada with her adoptive family.


The new chapter of Dead by Daylight will be released soon.

In the story, Kaur can see beyond reality. In addition, the heroine has already had paranormal adventures and encountered dangerous creatures. Therefore, she has resources against these new killers, including the Dredges.

In addition, as with each release of new killers, the arrival of the Dredge will be accompanied by three new advantages. Once the player has unlocked them, these perks can be used against all other Slayers.

Besides, this nightmarish realm will surely expand further via new updates. This means that new buildings will appear to become the scene of supernatural phenomena. So Dead by Daylight players just have to be well prepared, especially psychologically, to fight this walking nightmare that is the Dredge.



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