Google Chrome Sells Your Browser History to Third-Party Sites

Google Chrome Sells Your Browser History to Third-Party Sites

In the ever-evolving world of online advertising, staying at the forefront of technological advancements is paramount. Google, the search engine giant, is once again taking a giant leap forward by introducing cutting-edge technologies for targeted advertising directly into its Chrome browser.

This revolutionary update, Chrome 115, has already begun to reshape the way advertisers connect with users. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of this game-changing innovation and how it can impact your online experience.

Farewell to Cookies

Traditionally, cookies have been the backbone of user data collection for advertisers. These small pieces of data were exchanged between websites, enabling advertisers to track user behavior and preferences. However, the times are changing. Google has bid adieu to cookies, ushering in a new era of advertising efficiency.

Direct Communication with Google

With Chrome 115, advertisers no longer need to rely on cookies or third-party websites for user data. Instead, they can directly communicate with Google, the search engine powerhouse. This means that when a user searches for a product, advertisers can now connect with Google to obtain valuable insights into user preferences and behavior.

Profiling User Preferences

Google, armed with an extensive database of user information, can now create detailed profiles of user preferences. When advertisers contact Google, the company can swiftly respond with a comprehensive user profile. This profile includes data on the products users have searched for, their online behavior, and other relevant information.

Implementation and Accessibility

The exciting news is that this groundbreaking innovation is already accessible to many users. Google introduced this feature with the release of Chrome 115 in July. It’s important to note that while this feature can greatly enhance your online experience, it’s entirely optional.

Adjusting Your Settings

If you prefer to opt out of this personalized advertising experience, Google has provided a straightforward way to do so. Here’s how:

  1. Access Your Settings: Open your Chrome browser and click on the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner to access the menu.
  2. Privacy and Security: From the menu, select “Privacy and security.”
  3. Advertising Topics: Within the “Privacy and security” section, you’ll find the “Advertising topics” option.
  4. Advertising Offered by Sites: Below “Advertising topics,” you’ll see “Advertising offered by sites.”
  5. Disable Both Options: To opt out of personalized advertising, simply turn off both of these switches.


As Google continues to lead the way in digital innovation, Chrome 115’s update for targeted advertising marks a significant stride towards a more personalized online experience.

With the ability to connect directly with Google and receive detailed user profiles, advertisers can deliver content that aligns seamlessly with your preferences. Whether you choose to embrace this change or opt-out, one thing is clear – the future of targeted advertising is here, and it’s more user-centric than ever before.

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