Pakistan Temporarily Ban Social Media To Maintain Law and Order

Pakistan Temporarily Ban Social Media To Maintain Law and Order

Pakistan Temporarily Ban Social Media To Maintain Law and Order

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority imposes a temporary ban on social media apps such as Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, etc. till 3 pm to maintain law and order. ย The decision has been taken to maintain the law and order in the country following violent protests by a banned religious party TLP.

According to the Interior Ministry, the Pakistan Government has agreed to shut down social media sites in the country from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday. The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has been guided to block the services of Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, YouTube, Telegram, and Twitter in the region, according to the ministry.

The complete access to social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, and Telegram) may be blocked from 1100hrs to 1500hrs on 16th April 2021 across the country,โ€ read the notification issued by the ministry to chairman PTA.


The notification issued by the Interior Ministry.

“In order to maintain public order and safety, access to certain social media applications has been restricted temporarily, sources within the PTA said. TV, radio coverage of proscribed organization TLP banned.

On Thursday, the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) banned coverage by all television and radio licensees of the proscribed Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP).

PEMRA’s announcement came after the Ministry of Interior declared the TLP a banned organization for committing acts of terrorism and behaving in a manner that jeopardized the country’s stability and security during its recent three-day nationwide protests.

According to PEMRA’s notice, programs must comply with the country’s laws under Regulation 18(h) of the PEMRA (Television Broadcast Station Operation) Regulation, 2012 and Clause 16 of the Electronic Media Code of Conduct, 2015. “Moreover, Clause 3 (3) of Electronic Media Code of Conduct, 2015 prohibits media coverage to proscribed organizations,” it stated.

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