10 Tips To Increase Sales on Your Online Store

10 Tips To Increase Sales on Your Online Store in 2021

Selling more on the Internet is a necessity for every SME, be it products or services. That is why we always review the tricks of experts in the field to improve the positioning of e-commerce or take advantage of social networks to sell more.

Today we will review some of the best tips and effective ways used by brands to increase their online store sales and boost their earnings.

And it is that eCommerce has experienced an unprecedented boost in the world. Due to the pandemic, almost 730 million online transactions were registered, according to the latest data from the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC). A figure that is almost 17% higher than the purchases registered.

Much of this growth is due to the push of large e-commerce brands, such as Amazon, Ali Market, or eBay, and the use of strategies to capture the attention of customers in online stores of any size.

10 Ways to Increase Sales On Your Online Store

We have analyzed the strategies of the 10 largest e-commerce brands in the world that could be applied to any online business to boost sales.

1. Fast Shipments

Consumers have embraced the idea that online commerce is synonymous with speed. So much so that 43% of users abandon an online store if they consider that shipping times are too long, according to a study by the SendCloud logistics platform.

Therefore, it is preferable to offer that the shipment arrives in 24/48 hours paying an extra, to have only one delivery option and risk losing customers.

2. Strategy of Alliances

The Internet is a highly competitive market in which it is difficult to differentiate. To achieve this, it is advisable to have the help of external agents that facilitate the way, such as a trusted logistics operator that ensures the speed of shipments.

In fact, sometimes it is better to work with multiple operators to maintain deadlines in case one fails.

And, if the objective is to expand the product outside our borders, you can opt for a strategy of corporate alliances with specialized distributors in the destination countries.

This same idea can also be applied to campaigns with several influencers to give visibility, especially to smaller online stores.

3. Attention to the Calendar

The origin of Singles Day as a commercial holiday was the idea of โ€‹โ€‹Jack Ma, founder of Aliexpress, to take advantage of this very popular day in China.

This example is proof that there are many moments in the year that can be important for a specific sector; like Earth Day for e-commerce of organic products.

A good strategy is to keep an eye on the calendar to turn these days into unique business opportunities.

4. Provide Differential Value

E-commerce can also offer free and complimentary services to give a differential value compared to the competition.

For example, an eCommerce of electronic and technological products can create a specialized blog with tutorials to handle the best-selling products.

Another idea of โ€‹โ€‹differentiation is to make the customer identify more with the values โ€‹โ€‹of the company by offering to pay a donation for social and humanitarian purposes with each purchase.

5. Second-Hand Products

About 40% of Gen Z online consumers bought second-hand clothing or accessories in 2019, according to a study by online second-hand store ThredUp.

The online purchase of this type of product is a trend among young people and a good opportunity to explore e-commerce.

The technology sectors, such as the sale of reconditioned mobile phones and fashion are the most accessible for this market, but you can always look for formulas for other niches.

6. Loyalty

Loyalty to a customer can be between 5 and 10 times cheaper than getting a new one. This rule is also applicable to eCommerce, especially for small businesses or sectors with a highly segmented audience.

However, it must be borne in mind that it is increasingly difficult to retain customer loyalty and discounts and offers fall short for demanding consumers such as millennials or Generation Z.

This forces us to take several more steps and create a differentiated brand, with a positive shopping experience, and offer benefits such as rewards or points programs.

7. Customer Service Policy

To facilitate this work, the return policy must be well explained and made favorable (extending the legal minimum of 14 days or taking care of the shipping costs), as well as having tools such as chatbots, highly recommended for their speed and 24/7 service.

However, the customer service telephone number should not be ruled out either, as many customers continue to use this route to obtain a more direct relationship with the company.

8. Adapt to all Platform

67% of online shoppers make their purchases through mobile, according to the platform for creating eCommerce.

Customers increasingly rely on their smartphones to make their purchases, so it is imperative to design responsive e-commerce adapted to all devices.

9. User Opinions

User opinions and reviews affect many purchasing decisions of other customers. Not only do you have to offer a good product, but you also have to take advantage of the most positive evaluations and make them visible to convince the customer.

A good way is to incentivize customers to leave a review or offer discounts if they bring a new one.

10. Limited Time Discounts

Discounts are always a good way to increase your online store sales, especially if you add a short time limit. This will generate a feeling of rush in the client to take advantage of it.

A good measure to reinforce this sentiment is to apply a countdown timer that shows how much time you have left on the offer.

Also Read: Tips for Buying Christmas Gifts at Low Prices


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