5 Things You Need to Know About Snakes

5 Things You Need to Know About Snakes

5 Amazing Things and Facts You Need to Know About Snakes

Yes, the snake is cold-blooded, but this is only a physiological characteristic. Snakes, very fascinating, can even appear friendly to you to the point of making them your pets (inbreeding). Come on, here are 5 things to know about snakes. And who knows, maybe this will cure you of your preconceptions about them.

Snakes have it tough. Not because they are extremely fearful (if so), but because most people are afraid of them. The snake is easily assimilated into a vicious, sadistic, dangerous animal, which eats children for breakfast.

But, it is not so, you suspect it. In reality, this reptile is very misunderstood and ophiophobia remains deeply rooted in our societal system. He was portrayed as the devil by religion, as a cold-blooded animal with no feelings. You will understand that the reality is quite different.


5 Amazing Facts About Snakes


1. Snakes are more afraid of you than the other way around

As mentioned above, all snake enthusiasts and breeders know: that these reptiles are fearful. It’s not for nothing that your king snake spends its life in a ball, hence its name “ball python”. The royal python, in this case, tucks its head under its body when it is embarrassing or frightening.

So, yes, a snake can be embarrassed and, above all, they are more afraid of you than the other way around. They only want one thing: to leave them alone. This is why, in breeding, they need a lot of hiding places in order to feel protected and at ease.


2. Most of the time they do not attack humans

Also, most of the time, in the wild or in captivity, a snake will not bite you to eat you. No. He only attacks humans to scare you, to trick you into backing off and leaving him alone.

In short: snakes are fearful, and easily stressed. They look dangerous but often aren’t. At least, for non-venomous species. Unfortunately, their constant stress sometimes makes them snappy and look like they want to bite you. But, this is often not the case. Once a snake gets to know you, in breeding, it will get used to you and will have less trouble dealing with handling. And he won’t try to bite you again.

By the way, no: a domestic snake cannot kill and eat a human being. Killing it is possible depending on the size of the species. But eating it is not possible unless you have a very large species reserved for the knowledgeable.


3. Fascinating Animals to observe and very intelligent

Snakes are also very intelligent and can be endowed with โ€œfeelingsโ€. As I told you, a snake can feel “embarrassed”, it can also like you in its own way. He won’t be cuddly (and won’t like it), like a cat. Nevertheless, he can develop habits with you, affinities on the scale of a snake. Thus, taking care of a snake also means getting to know it and realizing that, it too, there are days when it is in a bad mood and others when it is very cute.

Besides, snakes are great at escaping. Very curious by nature and endowed with a great sense of practicality, they know how to spot small holes and even slide doors. For example, one of mine learned the mechanism of his sliding terrarium door and now knows how to open all sliding doors.

In other words, a snake is intelligent, has its own personality, and is therefore interesting to observe in addition to being, in fact, kind.

4. An Amazing Physiology

Another very interesting point about snakes: is their physiognomy. Indeed, don’t you find fascinating what nature has managed to create with this being? Here is a list of the physical characteristics that make a snake a fascinating animal:

  • Snakes are ALL different, Like humans, basically. Since they are raised, the snakes can be mutated and thus wear different and unique dresses. Observe these animals and you will see that they all have small peculiarities, and subtleties to discover. Their eyes, a scale different from the others, their sizeโ€ฆ For example, I have a corn snake that is 1m70. Considerable size and quite unique for this type of snake.
  • These reptiles are cold-blooded. But, it’s not really cold to speak of. In fact, reptiles have the particularity of being thermoregulators and must therefore move cool or warm according to their vital needs. It is for this reason that our snakes all have a hot spot and a cold spot with temperature gradients between the two.
  • Snakes do not have legs and therefore move only by crawling. Thus, their body is essentially made up of muscles. If you take a snake and it squeezes your wrist, you’ll soon realize that.
  • Little fun fact: snakes don’t have ears, But, you may have noticed that. Thus, they “hear” and locate themselves thanks to the vibrations in the air. It is thanks to their language when they make it vibrate in space that they can receive all the information from their environment.


5. Raising Snakes: a Terrarium Passion to Discover

Finally, a snake is very fascinating. It takes a lot of courage to overcome this fear and even move on to breeding. But, terrarium has become a passion for many people.



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