Built-in Music Player in Opera Browser

Built-in music player in Opera Browser

A Built-in Music Player will appear in the popular Opera Browser

Opera Software has released an update for the desktop version of the popular Opera browser. The user can now access the built-in music player in the Opera browser on the sidebar. It should be noted that both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge allow you to control the playback of multimedia content, but in Opera, it is implemented differently.

So far, three streaming services are supported – YouTube Music, Spotify, and Apple Music, but other services are expected later. Playback automatically pauses when another active audio source appears in one of the tabs, and when the user stops or disables playback from that source, music playback through Opera will resume.

The feature is currently being tested as part of the Opera for developers 87.0.4270.0. It is available for all popular desktop operating systems such as macOS, Windows, and Linux.

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