Everything You Need To Know About HTTPS

Everything You Need To Know About HTTPS

HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) is a security protocol that is responsible for protecting the communication between your browser and server so that it is not intercepted by attackers. It should be noted that it is the most used to transfer data on the internet.

The HTTPS protocol provides greater reliability, integrity, and authentication to much of the traffic on the WWW. Do you want to know more about it? Continue reading, we will tell you more details!

Everything You Need To Know About HTTPS


What is HTTP and HTTPS?

The main difference between HTTP and HTTPS is in security; while HTTPS prevents attackers from interceding confidential information between the browser (client) and the web server, HTTP allows the transfer of such information over the internet between the client and the server where a web page is hosted.

In other words, the HTTPS protocol is the secure version of HTTP.

In this post we are going to focus on HTTPS; however, it is important to contextualize its origin to later understand what it is for, therefore, let’s see some main characteristics of HTTP.

As we have mentioned before, HTTP is the code that is established between the server and the browser to transfer information through the network. In this regard, criteria of computer syntax and semantics are determined to establish said communication between the elements that form it: servers, clients, and proxies.

This protocol determines the guidelines to follow, and the verbs (request methods) and incorporates new features and requests as its versions are updated. Its operation consists of a structure: request-response between the web server and the browser that makes the data transmission request.

The client is offered a response provided with a series of metadata that set the guidelines for the start, development, and closure of the transmission of information, called “request methods”.

HTTP is characterized by:

  • Be independent of the media.
  • You have no connection.
  • Developed to be read and interpreted.
  • Eliminate errors quickly.
  • It is extendable.
  • It does not store data between two requests in the same session.


Where HTTPS Protocol Are Used?

The HTTPS protocol is used to prevent the Internet connection from being hijacked by unauthorized agents, encrypting the data to verify that the data transmission is secure.

In this sense, when a web user confirms the entry to a URL by clicking on the link in the address bar, the browser establishes a connection and the server, therefore, presents a certificate that qualifies it as a trusted provider. Once the browser verifies the authenticity, it sends a key that can only be read by the protocol based on this data and information so that it can do encryption. Generally, an SSL certificate is used.

The data protected by the SSL certificate are:

  • Registration data: name, address, email address, telephone number
  • Identification information: email and password.
  • Bank details: credit card number, bank account.
  • Registration forms.
  • Documents from clients.
  • This certificate guarantees that the communication will not be manipulated or readable.

Likewise, the information sent through HTTPS is secured by the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol, which offers three layers of protection:

  • Encryption: while the client is browsing some website, no one can “eavesdrop” on their conversations or do any kind of monitoring of their activities, stealing their information.
  • Data integrity: the information cannot be modified or damaged during the transfer.
  • Authentication: users are protected within the website, protect against attacks, and build user trust.


SEO Problems on the Web Without HTTPS Protocol

Google announced in 2014 that changing a website to the HTTPS protocol would give certain advantages to SEO positioning (hence the importance of having a good SEO positioning compared to the competition). These benefits include, among others:

  • Mild positioning element.
  • Better security and privacy.
  • Keep the information.
  • It offers the possibility of using modern protocols that increase the security and speed of the web.

See More: 3 Essential Elements to Develop your Website

In the case of not having the HTTPS protocol on a website, the problems in terms of SEO are several and they could not benefit from:

  • Best organic results: Google first shows the sites with a security certificate, whose figure rises depending on the keywords used.
  • Reference data: using an HTTPS site, the security of the reference domain is kept and the audience data is interpreted differently. The traffic that passes through these references becomes direct traffic.
  • Messages in the browser: if the web shows a “Not secure” message, the time spent on the site will have a time limit.
  • Having the HTTPS protocol is important for e-commerce since multiple card operations are carried out.
  • Ads are put at risk: attackers can inject their ads on your website or trick users into installing malware.
  • PWA applications (Progressive Web App): HTTPS is required for certain browser functions.



The main difference between HTTPS and HTTP is that the exchange of information is encrypted, which offers the possibility that the web pages we visit are more secure and the data will be sent in encrypted form. In this sense, this is important when entering personal data, otherwise, the data could be intercepted by other agents.

Also, another difference lies in the speed, since the encryption and decryption process takes time. HTTP uses port 80 for communication, while HTTPS uses 443.

Therefore, HTTP is the hypertext transfer protocol that is used to send and receive information over the Internet, in this case, it places special emphasis on clear and unencrypted information for the user. For its part, the H TTPS protocol allows authorization and transactions securely, the information is confidential to prevent unauthorized sources from entering the information.


Final Words

As you can see, the HTTPS protocol is essential for your website and increases the trust of your visitors, otherwise, it could affect its SEO of it.


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