How to Install Solar Panels In Your Home: Step-By-Step Guide

A current option for consumers is to use sunlight to generate their electricity through energy self-consumption. A photovoltaic installation, which converts light into electricity, is required, so how to install solar panels must be answered. Should I do it myself or hire a specialized installation company? Do I need permits from the Public Administration, and if so, who must obtain them?

A significant contributor to this trend is solar energy, as more and more homes are being installed with solar power, and consumers choose to generate their electricity to reduce their electricity bills.

In addition to these two significant advantages, solar self-consumption contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing carbon emissions at home. Do you want to join to take advantage of them and contribute to environmental sustainability? We will tell you how to install solar panels at home and which option is best.

Before Installing Solar Panels, Follow Procedures and Permits for self-consumption facilities

When you decide to install solar panels in your home or your building, if you choose collective self-consumption for your community of neighbors, the first thing you need to know is to carry out some procedures and obtain the necessary permits. In short, it is elementary.

Before installing solar panels yourself or hiring a professional company, you must obtain several permits:

Before installation, permits are required for the design, access, connection, work license, taxes, prior administrative and construction authorization, and environmental and public utility permits.

Upon completion of the solar installation, the homeowner will receive a certificate of completion of work, authorization to operate electrical installations, and periodic inspections.

The final step is to request the legalization permits for the photovoltaic installation, how to do it with an authorized installer, register, have it validated by Industry, sign the network access agreement for compensation of surpluses, and let the marketing company know if you agree or disagree.

How to Install Solar Panels in Your Home: Step by Step

The installation of solar panels in your home is not only a process that involves the installation itself but also mandatory procedures and permits before, during, and after completion. You may think that this process is complicated at first, but Podo is with you every step of the way.

To install solar panels on a home successfully, you must first understand the permits required and what it will take to have solar panels mounted on your home. The following steps will show you how to install solar panels on a home step-by-step.

In other words, you should know exactly where you can install the solar panels, how big they are, how much electricity they generate compared to the power installed in your home, and how they can be adapted to your daily energy consumption.

The main reasons for installing photovoltaics in your home for self-consumption are: economic profitability, since amortization occurs for about seven years; efficiency in electricity consumption, which can be deducted from your electricity bill to cover part of the cost of the panels; and state, regional, and municipal tax assistance and rebates for Real Estate Tax, Construction Tax, Installation, and Works Tax, and Personal Income Tax.

After you have this data, you can begin installing photovoltaic panels.

1. Design of the support structure

The first thing you need to do is design a solar installation support structure. The structure must be solid and safe so that the panels won’t fall when strong gusts of wind occur, thus preventing accidents. Also, a proper design will prevent leaks or damage to the roof.

You should also consider the type of steel profile support for the photovoltaic installation, as the panels need to be oriented daily for optimal light capture. Solar energy is still profitable in winter, even on cloudy or rainy days.

2. Installation of solar panels

Secondly, you will need to install the solar panels on the structure. To do this, you will need to know the answers to several questions:

Is there an ideal angle at which solar panels should be mounted so that they perform optimally?

ยท        Which way should the plates be oriented?

What is the optimal number of panels and modules to install, and how much space do they take up?

Can photovoltaic panels be installed on roofs or the ground?

You can install solar panels in your home if you know the answers to all these fundamental questions.

3. Connection with the inverter and with the electrical panel

A solar inverter is a device that converts direct current from the panels into alternating current for use in the home’s electrical system. The first connection must be made between the panel modules and the solar inverter.

The inverter must then be connected to your home’s electrical panel to use the electricity generated by solar energy in your home to save money and become energy independent.

What modalities of solar energy consumption exist?

There are currently two modes of solar energy consumption in Spain: instantaneous and self-consumption through energy accumulation. Is understanding the difference between the two important?

During the entire daylight hours of the day, instantaneous self-consumption uses the electricity produced simultaneously. As a user of photovoltaic solar energy, self-consumption by accumulation (batteries) saves some of the energy for later use when surpluses are produced, depending on your interests.

If you choose one modality of installation of solar panels in your home, you will need to install batteries for the panels. A second aspect which you should also know is that solar batteries come in a variety of types, each with a different lifespan:

ยท        open lead acid batteries

ยท        lithium batteries

ยท        stationary batteries

ยท        AGM batteries

ยท        GEL batteries

Another proposal is virtual batteries, which do not accumulate energy because a solar battery does not need to be installed in the home, but instead provides discounts on electricity bills.

The type of solar installation is also essential. There are two kinds: systems with surpluses discharged into the electrical grid and systems without surpluses.

Choose who installs solar panels in your home

You should know this if you intend to install photovoltaic panels for individual self-consumption in your home. Many aspects need to be considered at a legal level – permits and administrative procedures – as well as a practical level – the installation process and its characteristics.

For several reasons, you should go to solar panel installation companies and let your marketer advise you:

Expert professionals from these companies can conduct the installation safely, measuring key factors such as space, the number of plates, and modules most beneficial for your needs.

Additionally, the installation company has all the necessary information and history in case of breakdowns or revisions.

Final Words

With all this information, we hope we have helped you and that you can decide how to install solar panels in your home and who you want to do it.

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