Myths About Charging Your Smartphones

5 common myths about charging smartphones

5 Myths About Charging Smartphones Which Everyone Still Believes

Experts have mentioned several popular myths about charging smartphones, which are still believed by many users. Let’s dig into these misconceptions that many smartphone users are still afraid of.


1. Charging Smartphones at nightย 

Many users believe that night charging is bad for their batteries. According to them, charging too long can be harmful, because the battery is charged to one hundred percent during the night, then discharged to 99%, then again to one hundred, and thus uses a large number of “charge-discharge” cycles.

In fact, smartphones have long had controllers that do not allow the smartphone to discharge and spend cycles so unreasonably, so do not worry. This also applies to the idea that the smartphone can be “recharged”, which is impossible, again, due to the above-mentioned power controllers.


2. Charge After Completely Discharge

Also one of the popular myths is that the smartphone should be charged only after it is completely discharged. This myth dates back to the days when phones were equipped with nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride batteries, but now modern smartphones have lithium-ion batteries that do not have a “memory effect”.


3. Charge with the original cable only

It is believed that you should not charge your smartphone with a non-original cable. If the cable that came with the smartphone stopped working, it is even recommended to buy another one, the same one. In fact, this is not very important, because of the main thing – the quality of the cable and the standards that it supports, not the manufacturer.


4. Don’t use a smartphone while chargingย 

There is also a myth that you should not use, that you should not use a smartphone while charging. In fact, you can safely answer calls or view notifications when your smartphone is charging, but you should not actively use the Internet and play. The fact is that the smartphone itself heats up during charging, especially during fast charging, and the use of the Internet or energy-intensive tasks increases this heating, which, in turn, already has a really negative effect on the battery.


5. Battery Saver

Another myth that I think is a really big problem is programs that claim to “save the battery” and are usually called “Battery Saver”, or something similar. The problem is that these programs constantly monitor the activity of your smartphone’s processes, thus creating even greater energy consumption. In fact, by installing such mobile applications, you will simply get even more energy, and often more advertising.



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