Netflix To Add Video Games in 2022 Under Netflix Gaming

Netflix To Add Video Games in 2022 Under Netflix Gaming

Netflix Gaming: Netflix Confirms To Add Video Games in 2022ย 

It’s finally confirmed, the famous streaming platform goes Gaming, Netflix will add video games in streams from 2022, in a specialized section. All subscribers of the American site, in all countries, will be able to test this new functionality. Indeed, several clues already seem to affirm that interactive films will add to the well-supplied catalog of the competitor of Amazon Prime Video or Google.

We already told you about a possible Netflix Gaming release. It is now a reality since many proofs are assembled in this perspective. Netflix maintains a strong interest in video games and admits their popularity. To increase its audience and conquer video game enthusiasts, the latter is trying to create a new trend: Streaming video games.

Faced with Amazon, Google, Disney +, or Microsoft, Netflix no longer has a choice. We have to innovate and always offer more content. The firm has a true profile of a Tech company, totally in line with this ambitious project. It has been able to develop quickly and that in application, website and on its networks! So why not in the gaming world?

Netflix announced very recently that it had recruited several faces in order to develop games on its platform. Mike Verdu appears to be their first choice to oversee games in development. You don’t know this gentleman? Well, he used to work at Facebook as a developer. Especially on the Oculus headset project. He has also collaborated on the Farmville project and on EA mobile games. Heavy, in short.


Netflix launches video games for 2022?

So when is the Netflix Gaming offer? Apparently, Netflix would release its first video games as early as 2022. This is information from the Bloomberg site, remaining a hypothesis to this day. In any case, according to them, the Gaming service will belong to a new section of the catalog, integrated into Netflix subscriptions.

No other costs will therefore be expected to enjoy this Netflix video game interface. This is obviously a little unusual offer in the fact, you are all used to mass streaming! However, given the influence of the US giant, Gaming by Netflix is likely to be among the greatest advances of the decade. Yes, Netflix is โ€‹โ€‹cheap! So almost anyone can have an account. It could be games such as Bandersnatch, already available, or even in-game movie remakes! We will see well in 2022.


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