Pakistan Nuclear Scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan Passed Away

Pakistan Nuclear Scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan Passed Away

Pakistan Nuclear Scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan Passed Away

Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan passed away at the age of 85 after a long illness. Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan’s condition deteriorated Saturday night, and he was taken to KRL hospital by ambulance Sunday morning at 6:00 am.

According to sources, the nuclear physicist had trouble breathing and was sent to the hospital. His condition deteriorated as his lungs began to hemorrhage. Doctors did everything to rescue the famous scientist, but he died at 7:04 am. Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan died when his lungs collapsed, doctors said.

The hospital is trying to arrange for Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan’s remains to be taken to his E-7 apartment. His funeral prayers will be at 3:30 pm at the Faisal Mosque in Islamabad.

Dr Qadeer’s life was saved, according to Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed. Rasheed stated that the scientist will be given a state funeral in honor of his service to Pakistan. Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, the interior minister added, had assisted him a lot in educational endeavors and remained a visionary leader during difficult times in Pakistan.

“He is the Mohsin e Pakistan,” Rasheed remarked.

Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan is hailed as a hero in Pakistan for developing the Muslim world’s first atomic weapon. Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan became an instant national hero in Pakistan and the Islamic world after Pakistan responded to India’s nuclear tests in May 1998. Following the tests, Pakistan became the only Muslim country with nuclear weapons. Pakistan’s nukes have deterred Indian attacks.

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