10 Reasons Why You Should Learn Python

Reasons to learn Python

Python is one of the most popular and used programming languages in the world. Let’s discover what are the Reasons to learn Python and why it’s becoming more popular.

In a technology-controlled world, programming has become one of the most in-demand professions. And if there is something that a developer must master, it is the programming languages, which are increasing every day and have different applications.

The IEEE Spectrum, the world’s largest professional organization dedicated to engineering and applied sciences, annually compiles a ranking of the most widely used, preferred, and relevant programming languages, which this year placed Python in the first place.

The popularity of this programming language has not been limited to the course of 2019 but has been emerging in the rankings of preferences among developers for a few years.

Reasons to Learn Python

Python has experienced considerable growth since 2015, the year it entered the TOP 10 of the most widely used languages, and four years later, it is among the first three places in user ratings.

Reasons to learn Python
  1. It is developed under an open-source license, so it is free to use and distribute, even for commercial use.
  2. Phyton is one of the most versatile programming languages out there; it can be used in many different fields. In other words, it allows programming from video games to mobile applications.
  3. It is easy to learn. If you understand Python, you will be able to understand other programming languages more easily. This means that it is an excellent option if you are just entering the world of developers.
  4. Thanks to its popularity, it has an extensive community that organizes events, conferences, meetings and collaborates on codes and information.
  5. The Python Package Index (PyPI) houses thousands of third-party modules for Python. Both the standard Python library and community-contributed modules allow endless possibilities.
  6. This programming language allows a diversity of developments in a secure, agile, and fast way.
  7. Python has its own features that make it unique compared to other programming languages.
  8. Its similarity to the English language makes it an easy language to understand.
  9. Its multiplatform feature allows it to be used in different operating systems.
  10. It was designed to be fast – to learn, use, and understand – and to impose a clean and uniform syntax.

So, if you want to enter the world of developers and you still do not know what programming language to learn, you can start with this one that is at the top of the trends. And if you already are, and you haven’t used it yet, you should start considering it.

Python is currently managed by the Python Software Foundation, a non-profit society dedicated to disseminating the language and supporting its evolution. It is licensed under PSFL, derived from  BSD, and compatible with  GPL.

What does Python Language Consist of?

TIOBE index on the most used programming languages in 2019.

Python is powerful and fast; it plays well with others; runs everywhere, and it is friendly and easy to learn”, is the message with which it is described on its website.

For its part, IEEE Spectrum defines it as a dynamic, multi-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language designed to be fast – to learn, use, and understand – and to impose a clean and uniform syntax.

Its simplicity, readability, and similarity to the English language make it a natural language to learn, ideal for beginners.

According to Manuel Zaforas, Senior Computer Engineer, who currently leads the innovation initiative in AI and Big Data in Paradigm. Python has a series of characteristics that make it very particular and that, without a doubt, provide it with many advantages and are at the root of its widespread use.

One of its benefits is that Python is cross-platform; that is, it can be run on different operating systems such as Windows, Linux, or Mac simply using the corresponding interpreter.

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