Exciting and Profitable Jobs in the Gaming Industry

Exciting and Profitable Jobs in the Gaming Industry

10 Best Careers and Profitable Jobs in the Gaming Industry

With the development of technology, the video game industry is improving and new games are being dumped on the market every day. The arrival of Cloud Gaming will only improve things, especially for professionals in the sector. Here below we have mentioned the best Career Information for Profitable Jobs in the Gaming Industry.

It is undoubtedly one of the sectors whose professionals are the best paid in the 21st century.ย  The annual Game Developer salary is 32,000 โ‚ฌ for a beginner. So, do you just want to be a paid player or do you want to become a paid player? If you answer yes to this last question, here are the top 10 best gaming career jobs in the industry that might interest you.


1. Development / QA tester

You are not dreaming since it does exist. A video game tester is an essential professional in the realization of a video game. Responsible for verifying the playability of a video game, he ensures the quality of the gameplay while revealing the slightest bug in a game. He examines the smallest details of the video game across all configurations. This is the reason why this profession requires a lot of patience. The tester receives a relatively low salary of up to 1200 euros per month.


2. 2D / 3D Animator

The 2D / 3D animator is an artist responsible for animating characters, objects, or a game interface. He is a professional whose tasks include making a game realistic. He takes care of the characters and the fluidity of the game, making it come alive. He, therefore, has a perfect command of 3D and 2D animation software. This requires entering a school of animation, drawing, or applied art. The gross salary for a 2D / 3D animator is 2000 euros at the start.


3. Game Designer

He is one of the most important professionals in the video game world. Having the gameplay of a game in charge, he creates the universe of a game that shapes it and makes it pleasant to play. The game designer draws up the specifications for the artistic teams, thus deciding the graphic style of the game, the characters, and all the possible interactions.

This position has many responsibilities. It, therefore, requires having excellent graphic skills in graphic design or video game institutions. The beginner game designer earns up to 2000 euros gross per month and the best experienced earn 3500 euros.


4. Project Manager

Working in close collaboration with the artistic and technical teams of the projects, the project manager serves as a coach. He ensures that the schedule and the daily monitoring of the projects under his charge are respected. While ensuring the quality of artistic production, he can be an intermediary for clients to identify their expectations.

A management profession is essential to the proper functioning of the company through its presence. Whether it is training in marketing, management, or communication within a business school, you can apply for this position. The best is to follow a course such as a video games master or a digital art bachelor. The salary of a beginner generally varies between 2000 โ‚ฌ and 3000 โ‚ฌ gross per month.


5. 2D / 3D Graphic Designer

Showing similarities with the graphic designer, the graphic designer designs sets, characters, or video game interfaces with a bonus. He can therefore exercise exclusively in video games or in animation. Based on the instructions of the game designer, he draws sketches and adds the last corrections with the prior agreement of his direction or the project manager.

With the training received in graphic design schools, he must have a good command of digital DTP. The salary of a beginner 2D / 3D graphic designer can earn 2,000 euros gross, for a young graduate and for an experienced executive up to 3,800 euros.


6. Character Designer

It is the one that gives shape to the characters of video games. Pro of artistic creation software, he works under the artistic direction with respect to the imposed editorial line. He has the right to meet customer requirements. Endowed with the talent of the designer and praising the aesthetics, he creates and proposes the characters to the project manager or the director. The design is done using a multitude of graphics software.

Exercising this profession refers to schools of graphic design or applied art where it is possible to follow graphic design or other bachelors. His salary is estimated at 20,000 euros gross per year when he started.


7. Developer/programmer

Video game programmer is unequivocally the most demanded professionals in the world of gaming. Mastery of computer code is characteristic of the developer. He does the design, analysis, and coding in order to create the specifics of the game.

Working with a team made up of other programmers, he liaises with the project manager. The best solution to be a developer is to follow a computer course in order to learn various computer languages, among other things. By doing a bac + 5, you can get a master’s degree in programming. As for the programmer’s salary, it varies between 1800 and 3500 euros.


8. Sound designer

The Sound designer as you would have understood makes sound effects. He is in charge of enhancing the visual content while mainly creating music intended for game credits but also sounds interpreted by actions, motors, or noises. He collaborates with several other professionals closely or indirectly linked to his field.

Remember that he has a very wide range of choices as to his specialization. Thus, it can intervene in the cinema, the theater, or the radio. Being rigorous, organized, and having a creative mind are essential qualities in addition to listening well to customer expectations.

In order to become a sound designer, it is strongly recommended to follow a dual training of Bac +2/3 level, a minimum of BTS type or License in music, and sound processing technique. He can earn at the beginning between 1500 and 2000 euros.


9. Writer Video Games

Master of the story, he builds the fiction by taking into account all the required parameters. The screenwriter must imagine all the characters in the game with their characteristics. Whether it is the mechanics of the game, the sequence of scenes, or the geography of the game, he must put them in place for the construction of a well-developed story.

Thus, the player will be able to better identify himself and embody the character in the accomplishment of these missions. As the screenwriter’s profile is very varied, you must first have advanced knowledge of video games, creation, and production.

The technical aspects being essential, he must also have a good level in English, as well as a great sense of observation, and be very passionate. A Bac + 3 in a film or video games school would bring you closer to this profession. His salary is 1300 euros at the start and can reach 3000 euros with experience.


10. Level Designer

You have finished levels 1 and 2 of your exciting game, but hard to complete level 3. Please don’t curse the game developers, curse the level designer. In fact, it is this professional who is responsible for imagining the levels of the video game, and for designing them with all the graphic elements. Under the leadership of the game designer, he works within the design team.

The level designer is a genius who develops the stages of the game, Corsican or facilitates the task for the player. If you want to wear this costume, you should take a DUT in Computer Science, a Bachelor in Computer Graphics, or a Bachelor in Video Games. When you start, your salary is around 1,400 euros net per month.



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