10 Exercises That Burn More Calories Than Running

Exercises That Burn More Calories Than Running

Not everyone is born to have a fit body, let alone strive to maintain one. Try these exercises that burn more calories than running, which will benefit your health.

Exercises That Burn More Calories Than Running

The muscle machine needs much work; many believe it only means exhaustive jogging. On the other hand, getting up at 5 a.m. every day and putting on sweats with giggles can be a real drag.

1. Swimming

Perhaps the most compact exercise of all types Exercises That Burn More Calories Than Running, swimming is the best choice for various fitness programs such as weight loss, body toning, tummy off, reduction of muscle and joint pains, etc.

Increases heart rate naturally and increases endurance. One should use one’s arms, legs, and core only to stay afloat, and that’s just the beginning of calorie burning.

A 160-pound (72 kg) person who swims at moderate speed turns on 423 calories per hour. It is cheaper than cycling and more energy-efficient than running simultaneously.

Still thinking about running every day? Wake up and feel the new way to reduce calories. Lower your foot and get the body you’ve always wanted.

2. Kettlebell Swing

Russian weights are iron/steel weights shaped like bowling balls with a handle for oscillating and ballistic movements.

It involves the participation of the central muscles and exerts more stress in the body because we are not used to this type of movement. Exercise your back and abdominal muscles simultaneously with arms and legs.

This cardiovascular exercise puts pressure on the buttocks and quadriceps and causes the heart to exceed its limits. The workout burns 20 calories per minute, giving a chiseled physique.

3. Jump the rope

That’s right, the same game you played as a kid. The “child” exercise can burn up to 375 calories in an average of 150 pounds (68 kg) of a person in a 30-minute workout.

It must have the proper length of the rope (with beads/plastic), and when it stops in the middle of the rope, it should extend to the armpits.

You can follow any instructions: forward, side-to-side, cross-foot, one-leg, and backward jump (60 seconds each), or a combination of these methods.

The faster you jump, the more calories you’ll burn. It is one of the best and simplest cardiovascular tools.

4. Kickboxing

What originated as a martial arts-based contact combat sport has evolved and modified to form an excellent fitness discipline.

Cardio kickboxing forms a general fitness workout for the body and mind. A 155-pound (70 kg) person depletes 372 calories in an intense 30-minute class.

Knee bumps, bumps, and kicks increase heart rate and improve cardiovascular circulation.

Sequential movements provide coordination and flexibility of the limbs to the muscles. Boost your arms, shoulders, and abs, tone your thighs, and squeeze your hips.

Although not the same as self-defense, kickboxing can teach you basic self-defense tactics.

5. Inner rowing

According to a Harvard study report, an average man of 185 pounds (83 kg) can burn 377 calories paddling for 30 minutes. It is an endurance exercise and uses the main muscles of the back, legs, and shoulders.

Rowing causes the development of biceps, triceps, back, shoulders, dorsals, quads, hamstrings, and the nucleus.

Swap the boring set of cardiovascular exercises for a rowing machine and develop the upper and lower body with a full cardiovascular workout; burn that excess fat and get the sculpted physique you’ve always wanted.

6. Cycling

That’s not a routine cruise but a fast run, alternating between a fast and slow. The key is to pedal as fast as possible, then slow down for a minute or two and repeat the method.

It removes all fat from the thighs, hips, and waist and develops muscles around the buttocks, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves, increasing appetite.

A very efficient method for weight loss: An average cyclist can burn up to 500-600 calories per hour.

Then, the next time you take your bike for a walk, remind your partner how you’re doing your part for the environment and yourself.

7. Battle ropes

Battle ropes give you that torn, chiseled look you’ve always wanted since you saw Jason Statham. It is a favorite of fitness maniacs, and swinging these strings 15 m long with a weight of 25-50 lbs (10-20 kg) can burn up to 112 calories in just 10 minutes.

Exercise is perfect for the upper and lower body; points to quadriceps, biceps, forearms, and abs. Increases strength and endurance by involving muscles throughout the body.

You can move from working your biceps and abs to your legs and shoulders instantly, involving 4 sets of muscles at a time. It is a favorite of MMA trainers for its Spartan character and versatility.

8. Boxing

How often did you go out on the street and feel like throwing a Tyson in the neighborhood garbage bag or a thug?

It’s not like punching fights are healthy, but a good boxing session can give you a good workout. An average fight can burn about 600 calories per hour!

The workout includes weights, calisthenics exercises, and pouch exercises that develop muscle and strength combined with complementary cardiovascular exercises.

It’s a great way to work the upper arms, chest, and calves, making muscle development faster than most other cardiovascular exercises.

9. Dancing

Everybody knows that dancing is fun. But did you know it’s also a sophisticated way to exercise? That’s right. Dancing can burn up to 443 calories per hour.

The music that highlights those shimmies and smoothies makes you sweat more than you’ve ever noticed.

Dancing can make your muscles more flexible and provides a full workout to your whole body.

It’s more fun than running with headphones, and you can learn some cool moves that make you earn a good name in the dating department! (wink!).

10. Burpees

It is named after the American physiologist R.H. Burpee, who developed the Burpee test to assess fitness.

Burpees are little more than a sophisticated and reinvented combination of push-ups and squats. Mandatory for basic military calisthenics worldwide, it is an aerobic exercise used in strength training.

Squats and push-ups increase the strength of the forearm, while rapid sequence increases the body’s cardiovascular strength.

You’re in the adjustment zone if you get 10 burpees in a minute. An average man of 180 pounds (81 kg) can burn 1.5 calories per burpee.

Also Read: Basic CrossFit Exercises For Beginners

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