5 Easy Ways to Reduce Eye Strain in the Workplace

Ways to Reduce Eye Strain in the Workplace

Ways to Reduce Eye Strain in the Workplace. Mobile phones, computers, smart TV, and other gadgets provide comfortable and efficient work and leisure. But these benefits come at a price: eye strain. According to statistics, on average, 5 hours a day for work tasks and 3 hours for personal needs. And, not surprisingly, 59% of Russians suffer from digital eye strain.


How to Tell if Your Eyes Are Straining

Eye strain is characterized by dryness and redness of the eyes, blurred vision, and a feeling of “sand” in the eyes. One of the main reasons for these unpleasant sensations is the lack of blinking. Normally, the average person blinks 15 or more times per minute, which moisturizes the eyes and reduces irritants. However, when you look at the screen, you blink twice as often. Add to that screen glare, blue light, poor text-to-background contrast, and/or flicker, and it’s no wonder your eyes pay the price.


Why Eyes Get Tired When Working with Gadgets and What Does Blue Light Have to Do with It

From the moment you wake up, your eyes begin to focus either on near objects or on distant objects. The eye muscles are constantly “on the job”, they tense up and relax. But when working with gadgets, the picture is different. The eyes constantly have to work with the same focal length. That is, the load on the eyes is the same for a long time. The eye muscles are constantly tense.

As for the blue color, it is focused before it hits the fundus, unlike green and red colors. Therefore, the eye muscle strains more so that you can see an object with a predominance of blue. It’s not terrible in the short term. Another thing is if you regularly work with gadgets for several hours a day.


5 Easy Ways to Reduce Eye Strain Associated with Gadgets


  1. Follow the 20-20-20 Rule

This easy-to-remember rule will minimize digital eye strain. Every 20 minutes, focus on something at least 20 feet (6 meters) away from you for at least 20 seconds. This will give your eyes a chance to relax and reduce fatigue.


  1. Adjust Screen Settings

Make sure the screen brightness is not set to maximum. The screen should not be the main source of light in the room. Optionally adjust the screen color temperature. Blue light can cause eye strain, so reduce the amount of blue while aiming for more orange or yellow. There are even free programs like f.lux that adjust the monitor’s color profile based on the time of day.


  1. Computerize your Glasses

If you wear glasses, talk to your ophthalmologist about modifying them for use with gadgets. On sale there are “gaming” glasses with a reflective coating, which partially cuts off the blue part of the color spectrum and polarizes the picture visible, removing glare. Therefore, the eyes are less tired.


  1. Optimize your Workplace

Chair and computer screen placement can affect the neck and eye comfort. Make sure that the height of the chair is such that your feet are comfortably on the floor. Adjust your computer screen so that it is 50 to 60 centimeters from your eyes and the center of the screen is 10 to 15 degrees below your eyes for perfect comfort.


  1. Use a Document Stand

Working with documents lying on a flat surface is another cause of visual fatigue because the text is too far away from the eyes. This often results in neck pain, fatigue, and eye discomfort.

A study published in the Journal of Health Psychology reported that people who sat in an uncomfortable position (slouching) suffered from low mood and increased stress. However, what about those who are forced by work to access printed documents for data entry? In such cases, a document holder will help to keep documents flush with the screen.


See More: 8 Useful Gadgets for a Better Work from Home Experience

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