Best SEO Practices for Beginners For Better Rankings

Best SEO Practices for Beginners in 2021

SEO Beginners Guide: Building your own Website or e-commerce store? Starting your journey with the best SEO practices for beginners can make all the difference.

Mastering these techniques is well within your reach, and they can help you achieve better visibility through effective search engine optimization.

Understanding SEO Basics

5 Best SEO Beginner's Guide Practices for Beginners in 2021ย 

Before we dive into the practical aspects, let’s ensure we understand what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is. SEO encompasses a set of strategies and methods aimed at securing a prominent place in search engine results, with a particular focus on dominating Google’s results pages.

Is SEO within everyone’s reach? The answer is yes! If you invest yourself, you will succeed in mastering SEO practices. These will allow you to benefit from better referencing and, therefore, better visibility.

As a reminder, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), also called natural referencing, is a set of techniques and methods that allow you to be well placed in the results pages of search engines, especially Google.

1) Use a Content Management System or CMS

To embark on your SEO journey, it’s advisable to use Content Management Systems (CMS), which are user-friendly tools for creating web pages without any coding knowledge. This makes them ideal for beginners, as they automatically handle coding conventions to ensure that your pages are not only published but also well-referenced. Some popular CMS options to consider are:

  1. WordPress
  2. Joomla
  3. Drupal
  4. SPIP
  5. PluXml
  6. DotClear
  7. HippoCMS
  8. Prestashop
  9. Magento

2) Leverage SEO Modules

Content Management Systems offer more than just a code-free web page creation. They also come equipped with efficient SEO modules that can significantly improve your website’s visibility and drive more traffic. For instance, the Yoast SEO module is a noteworthy choice. Here’s how to use these modules effectively:

  1. Start by creating your web pages.
  2. Initiate an SEO module analysis.
  3. Implement the recommendations provided, which might include:
    • Keyword integration
    • Keyword repetition
    • Structural improvements for better readability
    • Adjusting the hierarchy of content

These adjustments are quick to implement and can drastically enhance your content’s chances of receiving better search engine rankings.

3) Maintaining a Professional Blog

Running a professional blog is an effective way to enhance your SEO practices. It’s not just about choosing the right CMS; it’s also about perfecting your content. Here are some tips for refining your writing style:

  • Craft concise sentences.
  • Segment your text effectively.
  • Keep paragraphs under 300 words.
  • Create compelling titles and subtitles.
  • Present a single idea per paragraph.
  • Use smooth transitions to guide readers through your content.
  • Keep your language straightforward.

Understanding your target audience is crucial, as it allows you to create content that resonates with readers, thereby increasing engagement and retention.

4) Acquiring Backlinks

Backlinks come in two forms: external and internal. External links, often called backlinks, direct users from other websites to yours, playing a pivotal role in SEO success. Meanwhile, internal links guide users from one page of your website to another, helping optimize the internal structure of your site.

to benefit from backlinks, you obviously have to get some! How to proceed? Several solutions exist. It is possible to write guest articles or contact professionals or personalities to obtain backlinks. As you write, you will learn how to orient your content to obtain external links naturally.

5) Implementing Basic SEO Techniques

While there are numerous SEO practices to explore, it’s essential to be well-versed in the basics. We’ve already discussed CMS selection, SEO module integration, and effective writing techniques. Here are some additional key practices to consider:

6) Climbing the SEO Ranks

As a beginner, you may wonder how to reach the coveted top spot on Google. Several factors come into play, such as your site’s popularity, posting frequency, and your ability to reach your target audience.

Final Thoughts

If your website is already live and you regularly update it, you can expect to appear on Google’s first page within approximately ten days.

However, for beginners, allow at least two months to see significant results. Remember that the more you publish and optimize, the quicker you’ll climb the ranks in the SEO game.

Read More: Ways to Become an SEO Specialist in 2021

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