10 Qualities and Skills to Become a Community Manager

10 Qualities and Skills to Become a Community Manager

The 10 qualities and skills to become a community manager

Today, no brand can do without community management. And when you’re addicted to social networks, becoming a community manager is the ideal job. This position combines a personal passion for professional demands. Here is some information and advice on the qualities and skills of community managers.


What is the job of a community manager?

To summarize, this job consists of taking care of a company’s social networks, in particular Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, or even Instagram, and TikTok. On these platforms, the community manager posts articles, writes a few powerful sentences, and uploads images or videos for the benefit of a brand or a company.

The objective is to generate engagement on social networks with the community and to promote the brand in a positive way on the web.


Community manager: a varied profession and many skills

Publishing on social networks is not the only mission of the community manager. The latter is indeed required to perform many varied tasks :

  • SEO writing;
  • moderation;
  • analysis;
  • definition of strategic objectives;
  • public relations ;
  • Internet watch;
  • e-reputation management;
  • participation in debates, forums …

Being a community manager is being a brand ambassador. We sell the company we represent through publications. Publications that we choose and manage from start to finish. The goal is to attract the public and to make the brand speak positively.


The community manager’s missions

The community manager can be salaried or independent. He can, for example, get hired in the communication department of a company. They can also work directly with an advertiser, or even work for a social media agency.

This job involves a lot of responsibilities and diversified missions. To be successful as a community manager, you must have at least 10 qualities and skills.


1- Mastering contemporary IT tools

The primary role of the community manager is to be on social networks. People who are resistant to virtual communities can therefore hardly become community managers. On the other hand, those who master social networks, their language, their subtleties, and all their functionalities generally make good community managers.

It is also important to master certain IT tools. Talwalker is for example an essential tool for the day before. Some tools allow you to manage shares, like Hootsuite. To obtain statistics, we can use Google Analytics, a plethora of tools to help create events, and other tools to help manage influence.


2- Be a good communicator

A good community manager is above all a good communicator. His messages should be written clearly. He must master the language in which he speaks. In addition, he must know how to summarize his ideas, especially if the messages are posted on social networks allowing few characters. The goal is for communication to be effective.

Beyond just communication, to be effective, the community manager must be creative. Communication sometimes involves the organization of events and contests. These must be original to stand out from the crowd.


3- Know how to manage comments

Being a community manager involves relaying some posted comments, but not all. It is also sometimes necessary to answer Internet users’ questions. The community manager knows how to quickly analyze the content of the comments and questions he reads on social networks. He also knows how to manage these opinions and questions without harming the reputation of the company or the client he represents, with intelligence.


4- have empathy

For fully effective communication, you have to be able to slip into the skin and mind of your audience. In other words, you have to show empathy. In this way, we will adopt the right formulations to seduce the public. Empathy also leads to patience. Another quality of the community manager, they must remain calm and demonstrate diplomacy. And this, in all circumstances.


5- Know how to take a step back

The community manager can be confronted with aggressive, violent messages. His job is to take a step back from it all. He must absolutely avoid any confrontation with Internet users. These can potentially damage the brand’s image if they have a negative experience with one of the representatives. We must act calmly, and intelligently. In certain situations, humor helps to ease tensions, to unblock complex situations. The objective is to always convey a positive image of the brand.


6- Be available

The community manager must indeed be able to connect at any time of the day, 7 days a week. This function, therefore, requires a lot of availability and investment.


7- Be passionate

Making yourself available on a daily basis and getting involved is easier when you are passionate. So better to work for a company with which we share interests and affinities! If the community manager recognizes himself in the brand he represents, he will accomplish his mission with all the more enthusiasm and motivation.


8- Know how to organize

Now, brands are on all social networks. And the community manager is found on all fronts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagramโ€ฆ Not to mention blogs, websites, forumsโ€ฆ It is, therefore, necessary to be organized in order to manage all these communities, without forgetting just one.


9- Knowing how to adapt

Versatile, the community manager must have several strings to his bow. If he communicates on social networks, he must also write in SEO and offer creative content. Sometimes, he manages human relations and press relations. He must know how to moderate the negative comments published.

It also has a monitoring mission, for publications coming from outside. Without forgetting that he works in the service of a brand or a community. Like a salesperson or a spokesperson, he must therefore know how to adapt his words and his attitude according to the role of the moment.


10- Be responsive

As we know, everything goes very fast on the web. Comments take turns quickly, rumors gallop and criticism is particularly diffuse. It is therefore important to be ultra-responsive. Constantly on the alert, the community manager is able to read each publication as soon as it is available. Depending on the nature of the publications, it must be able to react very quickly.


How to become a community manager?

Do you want this job and do you think you have the qualities and skills to make it happen? Before you take action and start your job search, watch the video below for lots of practical advice. Now you know (almost) everything about the job of community manager. It’s up to you to judge whether you have the qualities required to succeed in this profession.




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