Basic Computer Failures That You Can Detect and Fix Yourself

Common and Basic Computer Failures that you can detect and Fix Yourself

Your computer has broken down and you dread the cost and time of the repair? You can try to fix it yourself. Here is what you need to do. Computer failures are not foreseeable. So what should you do when you are for some reason unwilling to turn to a repairman? Only one solution is presented to you: repair it yourself.

Computer Failures that You Can Detect and Fix Easily Yourself 

Often, a computer failure does not always require the intervention of a professional. The most important thing is first of all to identify the fault and to act on it. There are fairly common and basic computer failures that you can detect and fix yourself. Once detected, you can then proceed to repair your computer.

1. Computer Not Powering

If you press the power button and your computer won’t start, don’t panic just yet. Here is the approach to adopt:

  • unplug all peripherals;
  • cut off the power;
  • remove the battery;
  • Press the power button on your computer for at least a minute;
  • then put the power back on;
  • attempt to restart.

If you have a laptop that doesn’t have a battery, look below the device for a button that allows you to bypass it and press it. If you have a desktop device, however, unplugging the peripherals and turning off the power is more than enough. Then continue the above process by omitting the battery step.

Your computer still won’t turn on? Then the problem could be with the power supply or the cables. Then check that they are working perfectly.

2. Death Screen or Black Screen

If you start your computer and suddenly a blue screen or black screen appears, unplug all peripherals and restart it. The procedure remains the same if your computer starts up, but displays nothing. If despite this the problem persists then:

  • try to start your computer in safe mode;
  • replace the graphics card;
  • check the status of your RAM.

If your device is still not working, it is most likely due to the condition of your motherboard or the condition of your hard drive. Your computer’s operating system can also be the cause.

3. Slow Startup

When your computer starts up, but is slow or shuts down, it could be due to several different causes. Here are the different ways for you to detect the failure and remedy it:

  • try to restart your computer in safe mode;
  • use the task manager to reduce the list of programs that start automatically at startup;
  • use the device manager to check the status of the drivers. This option allows you to identify any devices that are causing you problems;
  • then remove the indicated device (s). If the error is no longer noticeable, then that would mean that it actually came from this (these) peripheral (s);
  • Take a look at your hard drive: A hard drive that is too old or too crowded can slow down your computer. Empty it then.
  • If none of the previous attempts work, make a backup of your important files. Then reinstall your operating system.

4. Computer Crashes

You had to install software on your computer and then it started rowing. Unfortunately, you will have to uninstall them. This would mean that they damage your operating system. Once uninstalled, if the failure does not go away you will need to restore your entire operating system.

5. PC is Overheating

Is your computer overheating? Do not panic. Unplug peripherals and turn off the power. Then let your computer rest. Its overheating may be due to:

  • your environment;
  • programs that start automatically;
  • if on your computer, two hard disks are placed next to each other;
  • the dust that has become encrusted between the rooms.

6. The Internet Connection Slow

If your internet connection is very slow and some sites no longer open on your computer, the failure is most likely in your hard drive. It is probably full. It will therefore have to be emptied. Remove software or useful documents. Also, make sure the error is not coming from your Wi-Fi instead.

7. Virus Detected

If your computer has managed to get infected with a virus, it is most likely that you don’t have an antivirus or that it is just poor quality. So download a new antivirus. There are many antiviruses that can meet your expectations whether they are paid or free.

You understand. As much as you can, you can repair your computer yourself. You now have all the keys in hand to do so. However, if your failure is not among those listed above, seek professional help to be sure you don’t damage your device.

Also Read: 5 Basic Rules to Protect Your PC from Viruses