Everything You Need to Know About Premenstrual Syndrome

Everything You Need to Know About Premenstrual Syndrome

Everything You Need to Know About Premenstrual Syndrome

This disease affects many women and is characterized by a series of symptoms that occur before menstruation.

There are only a few days left before your period comesย and you feel the proximity of the date not so much because you have the calendar in sight as because of theย recurring discomfortsย that seem to remind you month after month: Frequent headaches, a swollen abdomen in your lower area and yes, you are probably a little more irritable than other days. Does it ring a bell?ย If so, you probably suffer from Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).


What is Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)?

When we talk about PMS, we refer to aย series of alterations that some women sufferย during the days before their period, and they are both physical and emotional.

The way in which these changes affect each one of us is variable: Not all of us present the same discomfort.ย Although they are a set of defined symptoms, in some cases they can be bearable and assumed as typical of our feminine condition.

However, other women have to deal with major inconveniences that interfere with the normal development of their daily activities while PMS lasts.

Premenstrual syndromeย generally manifests itself during the second phase of the ovarian cycle, between days 14 and 28, disappearing when the period begins again. In some cases, it can last only one or two days and then disappear and in others, it can produce a more lasting or more intense discomfort that conditions the passing of days.



To date, the exact causes that trigger the symptoms of PMS are unknown.ย It seems that the oscillations in the levels of the different hormones that intervene in the ovulation process would be directly related.

Due to the fact that there would be anย imbalance between progesterone and estrogenย (when the latter increase above normal), this would lead to generalized fluid retention that would cause weight gain, as well as the characteristic swelling of some areas.

However, the reality is that each of us is a world and we respond differently from each other to the hormonal changes that occur in our body, so it is quite difficult to establish a clear criterion today.

In fact, it is believed that it could also be conditioned by socio-cultural factors in addition to those of a biological nature, and regarding those of an emotional origin, it could be related toย low levels of endorphinsย and intensify with stress.


What Type of Woman Does PMS Affect?

Since it is a fact closely linked to menstruation, it is obvious that it only affects women of childbearing age.

PMS is estimated toย affect up to 75% of womenย during their ovulating years, but it most often occurs in those with these characteristics:

  • Close to 30 years of age.
  • They are mothers of at least one child.
  • With a family history of depression.
  • Who have suffered from postpartum depression.
  • In the case of those who approach 40 years (the age at which the transition to menopause approaches) the symptoms intensify.


Symptoms and Signs

Among the most common in the SPM would be the following:

  • Headache, lumbar and lower abdomenย .
  • Swollen breasts and increased sensitivity to touch.
  • face acne
  • Increased appetite with a preference for sweets.
  • Distended abdomen in the lower part.
  • Generalized fluid retentionย with a slight weight gain.
  • Irritability and frequent mood swings.


How to Alleviate the Symptoms?

When we think about treating any of the unwanted effects of premenstrual syndrome, we want to find the solution that makes it disappear completely.ย However, not knowing the exact causes that originate them makes it difficult to find the perfect option.ย But don’t worry, because what we do have isย some guidelines that we can follow to ease the symptoms:


  1. Prioritize the Consumption of Fresh Vegetables

Regarding the healthy eating guidelines that we have internalized, it is aboutย giving priority to foods of plant originย and, if possible, raw.ย It is an ideal way to provide extra minerals and vitamins that can help us minimize discomfort.


  1. Drink Water Frequently

Fluid retention is caused by an excess of accumulated sodium.ย Byย consuming enough waterย , it helps eliminate the amounts that are extra for our body.


  1. Walk and Stay Active

If you are an athletic person and you are in a position to maintain your training routine during those days, there is no reason for you to change it.ย But if, on the other hand, you are not very regular in the practice of exercise,ย incorporating some type of light activityย can significantly improve your symptoms.

Going for a light walk, even integrated into your daily commute, will help activate your circulation and minimize the fluid retention typical of these days.ย And if you dare to try yoga, you will be surprised how it improves your personal state globally, both physically and emotionally.


  1. Avoid Stimulants, Alcohol, and Tobacco

Caffeineย , protein and energy drinksย can produce not only nervous disorders, but also accentuate the hypoglycemia that is common these days.

On the other hand, both alcohol and tobacco, far from providing anything beneficial, introduce toxic substances for the body that must be eliminated, requiring an additional effort for our body that will cost more to assume these days.


  1. Opt for Natural Painkillers

When the pain is unbearable, we can resort to analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, although the ideal would be to be able to relieve it in a more harmless way.ย To do this, it would be convenient to pay attention to the first signs of discomfortย thatย we perceive and attend to them then.

Theย application of dry heat in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the bellyย or lower back locally or cold water during the shower for the inflammation of the breasts may be some ideas to put into practice.

We can also include some infusions of chamomile, linden or orange blossom as allies, since not only will we contribute to hydration, but we will also favor a more serene state for the body that will help us to better handle situations.


  1. Uplift

It is key that you tryย to surround yourself with a positive environmentย to counteract the mood drops that usually occur during these days in a more accentuated way.

Pamper yourself as much as you can and try to sprinkle the day with happy and fun moments.ย Your mood will appreciate it, you will face the passage of these complicated days much more easily and surely you will forget a little about the annoying premenstrual syndrome.


Read More: 10 Ways to Get Rid of a Bad Mood

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