10 Factors That Cause Hair Loss

Factors That Cause Hair Loss

10 Factors that Might be a Cause of Hair Loss

According to dermatologists, we lose around 50 to 100 hairs a day – which may seem like a lot, but it’s a healthy amount to complete the hair cycle. Hair loss is not always a disease in itself. In fact, it is a symptom – both ailments that attack only the scalp and those that attack other parts of the body as well.

However, it is important to turn on the alert signal when you notice hair falling out a lot and all over the house. In this case, there are a number of factors that may be linked to this loss. Check out the list below of 10 factors or causes that may be associated with excessive hair loss.


  1. Infection

A fungal scalp infection, called tinea, ringworm, or ringworm, can lead to excessive hair loss, in addition to causing intense itching of the scalp.


  1. Restrictive Diets

A diet that restricts the intake of some nutrients, such as protein, vitamin B12, and iron, can negatively impact the strands, resulting in hair loss.


  1. Use of Antidepressants and Other Medications

Some classes of medication, such as antidepressants, anticoagulants, or high blood pressure medications, can have the side effect of contributing to hair loss, especially at the beginning of treatment or when they have been used for a long time.


  1. Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia can cause excessive hair loss, as iron is an essential mineral for the production of hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen in red blood cells to all tissues in the body, including the scalp. When the scalp receives less oxygen and nutrients, it can cause thinning and hair loss.


  1. Pregnancy

Hair loss is relatively common in women after childbirth, not only because of the hormonal changes that continue to take place in the body but also because of the stress of childbirth. Usually, this hair loss appears in the first 3 months after giving birth and can last up to 2 months.


  1. Menopause

Menopause, which is the interruption of menstruation by a woman’s natural aging process in which the ovary stops producing estrogen, or andropause, which is male menopause in which the testes decrease the production of testosterone, cause a hormonal change that can cause hair to fall out more often.


  1. Frequent Chemical Procedures

Treatments such as progressive brushing, coloring, and other chemicals can be a risk to the wires, causing fragility in the rod, reflecting on breakage, or even hair loss – if a very strong substance is used.


  1. Excessive Stress and Anxiety

One of the main causes of hair loss is excess stress, both physical and mental. That’s because, excess stress and anxiety can cause a hormonal imbalance of cortisol, a hormone related to stress, which when it has increased levels can cause excessive hair loss. In other cases, stress may not be the main cause of hair loss, but it can worsen hair loss that already exists for another reason.


  1. Too much vitamin A or B

Although relatively rare, the excessive presence of vitamins A or B complex in the body can contribute to hair loss. This situation is more common in people who have been taking supplements with one of these types of vitamins for a long time.


  1. Food Poor in Nutrients and Vitamins

A diet poor in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, such as protein, zinc, iron, and vitamins A and C, can be a cause of hair loss. This is because these nutrients help in the growth and strengthening of wires, favoring a poor diet to intensify hair loss. Maintain a nutritious and balanced diet, rich in proteins, iron, zinc, and vitamins, always having lean meats, cheese, milk, fruits, vegetables, and fresh vegetables in your bed.



See More: 10 Tips to Make Your Hairs More Flexible

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