20 Most Dangerous Ransomware Attacks and Security Threats

11 Most Dangerous Ransomware Attacks in 2020-2021

Ransomware is one of the most dangerous types of attacks, which is why it is important to be aware of these types of security threats and take necessary precautions to protect our data and systems.

Recently, hackers have become more skilled in their craft and are targeting various sectors such as financial services, government services, insurance, and healthcare organizations.

They have also changed their tactics to make more profits. They are using some of the latest and most effective cyber-attacks which can be very harmful.

Most Dangerous Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attack works by infiltrating a company’s or organization’s networks and encrypting sensitive data. The cybercriminals then demand a double ransom: the first to decrypt the data and the second to avoid its disclosure. Let’s discover some of the most dangerous ransomware attacks and security threats you should be aware of.

1. REvil Ransomware

REvil ransomware is a malicious virus that encrypts all files without exception. As soon as the virus infiltrated its victim’s system, the administrators of the REvil group immediately demanded ransom and demand payment in bitcoins.

If the deadline they have imposed is not respected, they double the amount. He was responsible for the attack that wiped out the legal firm Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, causing the leak of confidential data belonging to many celebrities.

2. Sodinokibi Security Threat

The Sodinokibi or Sodin ransomware acts on the same principle as REvil. At first, he exploited a vulnerability type of “  zero days  ” to access servers from Oracle Weblogic in September 2019.

He then continued to wreak havoc by exploiting other vulnerabilities to achieve its targets. Sodinokibi is one of the most formidable ransomware. Its operators have already been able to raise more than 850,000 euros in bitcoins.

3. Nemty Virus

This ransomware is perceived as a ransom service rather than software. Nemty was particularly active between the summer of 2019 and the summer of 2020. It is spread through phishing emails.

4. Nephilim Malware

Nephilim is much more sophisticated compared to other malware. He uses a military-grade algorithm to encrypt the data he stole. In general, it only attacks larger targets such as government organizations. Which makes him a very serious threat.

5. NetWalker Ransomware

The NetWalker ransomware also uses phishing emails, especially those related to the coronavirus, to infiltrate the network of its victims. Then it spreads through all the executable files that are available there. Also known as Mailto, this malware is considered to be the most destructive.

6. DoppelPaymer

Appeared in April 2019, he did not make his first attacks until two months later. DoppelPaymer has similarities to BitPaymer.

The two attack by encrypting their target’s files, subsequently leaving them with a note that contains the requested ransom amount and an access code.

Since their activity, the attackers behind DoppelPaymer have already accumulated 142 bitcoins or around 1 million euros.

7. Ryuk

Ryuk is among the most aggressive and active ransomware. This malware chooses its victims wisely, often government agencies or large companies. It organizes large-scale attacks every time it strikes and blocks access to a system or device until the demanded ransom is paid.

Ryuk can access any system by using other software to infect it. It uses a combination of very complex algorithms like RSA and AES. Recently, he attacked an American company named EMCOR, which was among the Fortune 500 ranking.

8. Maze Malware

The maze is considered one of the most dangerous and destructive malware since 2019. It encrypts files and demands a ransom for recovery.

Cybercriminals behind Maze launch attacks using tools called Fallout and Spelvo. Most of its recent victims are from the healthcare industry.

9. CLOP Ransomware

CLOP ransomware also practices phishing to hack data. It adds a “.clop” extension to each of the files it encrypted.

If the victims refuse to pay the ransom, the stolen data is published on a site called “CLOP ^ _- LEAKS”. The new versions of the software can bypass Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials.

10. Tycoon Ransomware

Identified six months ago, Tycoon targets organizations in the education sector. He is a little different from the others. Written in Java, this software uses an aggressive approach. The weak passwords are very easy targets for him.

11. Sekhmet

Just like the others, Sekhmet also encrypts files and demands a ransom for decrypting them. However, it only grants 3 days to its victims, which is a bit specific. After this time, the criminals divulge the information.

12. Windows OS Ransomware

Hackers have been sending emails to their targets in recent months with urgent instructions to install a Windows OS update. Ransomware “.exe” programs infiltrate the device as users begin to download the purported update.

These kinds of virus incidents can be prevented with the aid of comprehensive unified security solutions and email security controls.

13. Zeus Gameover

This particular form of malware belongs to the “Zeus” family of malware. Zeus Gameover is a Trojan horse, a malicious program that poses as a trustworthy source of information to steal money from bank accounts.

The fact that this malware doesn’t need a centralized “command and control” server to execute transactions, according to experts, is what makes it so tough for investigators and law enforcement to find the crooks responsible for these breaches.

Zeus Gameover efficiently gets around centralized servers by establishing several servers that can exchange data. To put it briefly, tracking down the whereabouts of pilfered data is practically hard.

14. Shlayer malware

This kind of malware infects MacOS computers and uses social engineering techniques and Flash upgrades to trick users into installing the virus on their devices.

Initially, this attack was launched by hackers using a particular zero-day vulnerability. But hackers are developing new methods that mostly rely on social engineering techniques to infect machines with this virus.

15. Agent Tesla

Spyware that is both potent and simple to operate is called Agent Tesla. Agent Tesla is specifically a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that gathers screenshots from a victim’s PC, monitors keystrokes, copies clipboard data, and exfiltrates credentials.

More than 6,000 evildoers pay membership fees to license the program, which has witnessed a sharp increase in popularity in recent years. The malware frequently comes as an email attachment and has a plethora of capabilities intended to help it avoid detection by network systems.

16. RaaS

RAAS is among the most dangerous Ransomware for several reasons, ransomware gangs have come to heavily favor ransomware-as-a-service or RaaS.

RaaS’s expansion demonstrates how simple it is for non-techies and non-programmers to carry out ransomware assaults.

17. Fleeceware

While some people may remove specific programs from their phones, Fleeceware still costs customers a substantial amount of money.

Over 600 million Android users have inadvertently downloaded “Fleeceware” onto their handsets over the past few years, according to recent research.

Despite not posing a significant risk to data security or privacy, Fleeceware is nevertheless surprisingly widespread. It’s a dubious approach used by app developers.

18. IoT Device Attacks

Have you recently purchased smart speakers or installed a smart doorbell? Hackers want to obtain information by taking advantage of these devices’ vulnerabilities.

IoT devices are a target for hackers for various reasons. IoT devices frequently lack the storage capacity and tiny size necessary to provide adequate security protocols.

User names and passwords are among the easily accessible data that is frequently stored on IoT devices. Hackers use this information to gain access to accounts and take further data.

Furthermore, hackers can take control of webcams and microphones to monitor, interact with, and influence individuals.

These gadgets have the potential to propagate malware and serve as weak points in business security networks.

19. Cryptojacking

One security risk that is exclusive to cryptocurrencies is cryptojacking. Because crypto-malware enables hackers to “mine” cryptocurrencies without having to buy pricey mining gear or incur significant electricity costs, it effectively saves them a lot of money.

After being mined, cryptocurrencies are transferred to crypto-wallets under the control of malware operators.

20. Social Engineering

Hackers use social engineering techniques to try and trick people into disclosing personal or business information through face-to-face or online interactions.

While social engineering isn’t technically a form of malware, it does give hackers a way to spread malware and can lead to well-publicized malware incidents.


Also Read: Types of Social Threats on Social Media 

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